A recent gift from the David I. “Larry” Sperling family is supporting health programming at Meadowridge Library.

In particular, the contribution funded informational sessions and free basic health care screenings led by community health care worker Sheray Wallace. The April 3 kickoff event — the Meadowood Health Partnership Community Health Fair — featured 13 exhibitors visited by 77 attendees. Wallace and her colleagues performed 22 blood pressure checks during the event.

“As anyone who has attended a Sheray Wallace event can tell you, the energy in the space is just incredible,” Meadowridge Librarian Amanda Geske says. “Sheray is able to pull together all these community partners into one space, and has everyone laughing and enjoying themselves in no time. She brings top-notch services to the neighborhood, with representation at the Health Fair ranging from cancer survivor support groups to the All of Us Research Program at the UW. We saw families we knew, as well as brand-new faces. I had multiple attendees approach me to marvel at Sheray’s work, and to make clear they wanted their neighborhood library to continue to hold such events.”

Since the health fair, monthly programs have included awareness events for medical conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, hepatitis and autism. Upcoming events include Suicide Prevention (September 19), Mental Health Awareness (October 10) and Diabetes Awareness (November 6).