All Sustainer Gifts Matched
for the Whole Year!

Become a monthly donor today

Your library is always here for you to provide your favorite books, music, movies, programs and services. You can be there for the library every day of the year, too, when you join our Sustainer program. And through the end of April, your entire Sustainer gift commitment for 2021 will be matched by generous donations from longtime foundation supporters Tom DeChant and Paul Gibler, and an anonymous donor!

Replacing a single annual gift with a recurring monthly contribution — for instance, an annual gift of $200 with a monthly gift of $20 or $25 — is a smart choice for several reasons:

• Smaller monthly donations are easier on your budget, so you may be able to give a greater total throughout the year.

• It’s convenient. Monthly giving is a “fix it and forget it” kind of way to give. You don’t have to remember to go online once a year to donate.

• You’ll be a part of our special Sustainers group and will receive exclusive communications from us, as well as an invitation to an annual event.

Complete the form below or call 608.266.6318 for help with setting up your recurring Sustainer gift!