Madison Public Library’s Parent & Caregiver Work Group is thankful to five local teens who donated their time and creativity to provide Teen “Zoomsits” for library staff kids this year utilizing the virtual meeting platform Zoom. These teens stepped up to the plate and met with a wide variety of kids, from pre-K through elementary schoolers, making it possible for library staff to work from home during the pandemic.

The five teens who helped were Ngige & SophieRose (kids of Christa Parmentier, pictured above), Oliver (son of Marc Gartler), Mateo (son of Heidi Vargas), and Owen (son of Nicole Maxwell).

The teens shared skills, projects and provided a listening ear to all the children. They also helped give parents a short break in their day — to provide parents with a moment to recollect thoughts and take a breath during a stressful time.

Lakeview Youth Services Librarian Madeleine Diemer Kain noted: “As Frances watched and listened to Ngige, she was inspired to create art herself. She asked for paper and markers, and got busy. Animals were the theme of the day in the Zoomsit, and Frances’ art was definitely inspired by the animals that were being drawn and discussed.”

During a Zoomsit with SophieRose, several kids worked together to create a collaborative story. There were a couple of little ones included in this particular Zoomsit, so the words ended up being inspired by favorite toys or other items (wands, light sabers, dragons, etc.) After SophieRose read the final hodgepodge story, one 4-year-old in the group said, with great astonishment and awe, “Wow, that’s really good!”