Our People
Leadership & Staff
Our organization’s leaders and staff are dedicated to giving their best to benefit Madison’s libraries. We enjoy the challenge of keeping our libraries fresh and innovative by continuously generating new ideas to ensure optimal financial and operational support.

Board of Directors
Tanya Salman, President
Jennifer Hannon, Vice President
Brigid Elliott-Boger, Treasurer
Francesca Rodriquez, Secretary
Heather Clefisch, Immediate Past President
Josh Anderson
Laura Bird
Ryan Browne
Bryan Chan
JP Croake
Manny Figueroa
Libby Gerds
Susan Goodwin
Joe Hankey
Nathan Houdek
Tom Kuplic
Ray Mendez
Laura Murray
Aaron Olver
Andrea Shiu
Carla Vigue
Jessica Yehle

Madison Public Library Foundation
201 W. Mifflin Street
Madison, WI 53703
Tax ID: 39-1777242